That blazing hot August sun, the incredible amounts of traffic, the scent of hay and cows wafting through the air....all of this can only mean one thing: it's state fair time in Indianapolis! And boy, if you're craving something deep fried, on a stick, or deep fried and on a stick this is the place to find it! Every year, thousands of people flock to the Indiana State Fair grounds, searching for that next delicious fatty, rich, guilty pleasure. Sure, it's fun to see the 4-H competitions, pet a llama or two, and check out the other countless entertainments offered, but let's be honest....the main attraction at the fair is the food. There is a food for everyone and anyone. Your perpetually hungry intern's absolute favorite fair delicacy are fried dill pickles. Crispy, juicy, and salty...my mouth starts watering just thinking about them! But, this is a chocolate blog , and fried pickles don't come with chocolate (although I'm sure someone has considered it), so let us turn our tingling taste buds to the best chocolatey fair food in the state. Chocolate lovers prepare thy selves....this is some good stuff. Health nuts, you may want to look away.
It is the Year of Soy Beans! Presented by Indiana Soy Bean Farmers, these little--but unbelievably useful--beans get to take center stage and show off their stuff. They are everywhere at the fair. From kids' goodie bags sporting the catchy slogan "Bean there, done that", to the soy-fed cattle and soy based foods, you'll discover everything you possibly could want to know about this 3.1 billion dollar bean. You'll also discover the Indy Star's Signature Food competition

Beverages have recently entered the deep-fried fair food circuit. This year's big head-turning, news-worthy treat was fried Kool-Aid. I know for a fact that you can find that at the Indiana State Fair Grounds, so if you're interested, go and indulge. However, the fried beverage that most excites me made its debut at the Texas State Fair a few years ago: Fried Coca-Cola. I confess that I am a Coca Cola addict. I know it's terrible for me, but no one is allowed to judge me. Especially when you're still thinking about those Kool-Aid balls (it's okay, you can admit it). Fried Coca-Cola is actually Coca Cola flavored batter deep fried and topped with chocolate syrup, whipped cream, and cinnamon sugar. Wow. That's pretty sweet. I was unable to find this sugary concoction at our fair, but I'm sure it's there

Fried Butter has nothing to do with chocolate. But I still feel like it needs to be mentioned. Fried Butter, people! What will those crazy fair vendors think of next! I've heard it tastes kind of like a cinnamon roll. I think I'm going to pass, but you go right ahead.
I would on the other hand be willing to try fried Reese's and fried Oreos. Probably not much healthier than fried butter, but Oreos are delicious no matter what form they're in.
And finally....let's talk about something that I know has been on every one's mind. No, not the massive calorie and fat counts (it's fair time; calories don't exist. Plus with all of that walking I bet you'll actually lose weight at the fair!). No, what I'm talking about is something so tantalizing, so strangely wonderful, it will leave you breathlessly wanting more: chocolate covered bacon. I know I've mentioned chocolate covered bacon before, but you can't talk about the fair without bringing it up. It made its debut at our beloved fair in 2009 where it attracted hundreds of curious fair gourmets dying to sample the controversial new creation. And they loved it! The salty sweet treat was such a big hit that it's now an Indiana State Fair staple!
This is a very short list of all of the tasty wonders that can be found at the Indiana State Fair. So, pack up the kids, grab the sun screen and Pepto-Bismol, and go discover them for yourselves! You'll find me with my fried pickles in one hand, and fried ice cream in another. Come on, live a little! Eating healthy is for the rest of the year! See you there!
And don't over indulge too much. Chocolate Fest is a little more than a month away! Mark your calenders for September 15th.

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