Holy Cow, Cupcakes! was started by Karen Sutton around two years ago. Taught by her mother and grandmother--two women who knew their way around a kitchen enough
to have earned home economic degrees--Karen has been baking her entire life. After creating and experimenting with cupcakes for her firefighter husband's shifts at the fire station, she was inspired to try her hand at selling her baked goodies with a booth in the Carmel Farmers market.

After bravely braving rush hour traffic, almost rear-ending one or two SUVs, and only having to turn around once (although possessing other skills your intrepid intern is not a good navigator), we finally arrive at the famous Circle K gas station and the even more famous Holy Cow, Cupcakes! bakery. Wafting from under a red awning, the smell of baked goods cuts through the smell of gas like a breath of fresh air.
The Carmel Farmers Market was a roaring success for Karen and her cupcakes, or cuppies as she affectionately refers to them. Within one hour of the three hour market, Karen was almost completely sold out. After participating in several more Farmers Markets and watching her treats practically fly off the table, Karen realized that her cuppies were definitely something special.
The inside of the shop is one room divided into two sections: the store and the baking area. We are greeted by two friendly staff members who are in the middle of helping a woman fill a large order. As we wait for our turn at
the cupcake counter two things are immediately noticeable: the green wall covered with scrawling compliments written by satisfied customers and the most important thing of all....the display case filled with that day's selection mouth-watering goodies. The second part of the shop is the actual baking area. Here we can see the large mixing bowl, boxes and bags of ingredients, colorful jars of sprinkles, and the ovens for cooking. Although all is calm for the moment in this area, I'm sure hours ago it was a flurry of baking frenzy. I personally think it's neato to be able to actually see where my cupcake comes from. They've got nothing to hide and want their customers to be part of the action. I haven't even tasted one of their treats yet, but I've already got a good feeling about this place.

In May of 2009, Karen opened Holy Cow, Cupcakes! on Rangeline Road. Just in that short amount of time her cupcakes have made appearances at numerous weddings, parties, and even the Indianapolis Zoo's Zoobilation! Her walls are covered with delighted cupcake lovers' thanks and compliments and the cupcakery has even been featured on WTHR Sunrise with Nichole Misencik. Business has grown so much over the past two years that it's time to leave the nest of the Circle K Gas station and seek fair fortunes elsewhere, or just a few blocks down the road at the new Carmel City Center Development (61 West City Center Drive will be the new address). Their new shop will feature not only their vast array of cupcake flavors, but will also begin serving coffee, espresso, and other baked treats.
When I talked to Karen, the owner of the shop, she had confessed that although they would be featuring their quadruple chocolate cupcake at the Chocolate Fest (an impressive chocolate concoction that is now staring me in the face), her all time favorite cupcake is the chocolate chip cookie dough cupcake, or the Alex. Now, this was a tough decision. I should sample the quadruple chocolate cupcake so I can report back to the staff at YA, as well as my beloved blog readers, but that chocolate chip cookie dough cupcake looks like one of the most delicious things I'd ever seen in my life. Then I spot the raspberry chocolate ganache cupcake. Now I'm torn. I love raspberry and chocolate, but anything with cookie dough, especially a cupcake with cookie dough in the middle of it and topped with fudge frosting, simply amazes me. Jackie, my trusty sidekick, makes her decision very quickly: red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting, one of the shop's best sellers. The quadruple chocolate cupcake looks amazing, but I figure I'll have plenty of time to sample it at Chocolate Fest. Now I have to decide between the other two. I don't think I can make up my mind...so I don't*. I buy both the chocolate chip cookie dough and raspberry chocolate ganache cupcake. The cupcakes are just the right size and a very nice price (only 2.25 for one). So, with our box o'cuppies, Jackie and I pile back into the car, and drive back to Indy, victorious with our spoils of adventure.
Sitting in a Starbucks, with iced tea in hand, my trusty side kick and I chow down. Holy cow is right! To be completely honest, I'm not a big frosting fan. But this fudge frosting was amazing! I may or may not have licked the cupcake wrapper clean. In public. Good thing Jackie's such a good friend and doesn't get embarressed easily! The actual cake part of the cupcake is just as good as its topping: moist and not-overly sweet. Once I actually get to the cookie dough part, I feel as though I've died and gone to heaven! Jackie gives her cupcake an A+, saying that the cream cheese frosting was some of the best she has ever had. So, all in all, our mission was a success. Bravely going where no intern and her friend have gone before, we set out to find out if a delicious cupcake could come from a gas station. Using our wits, guts, and sci
entific experimentation, we discovered the truth: oh boy! Yes they can!

It's been an exciting two years for Karen and Holy Cow, Cupcakes! We absolutely cannot wait to have them at our Chocolate Fest. If you yourself can't wait until September to sample some amazing cupcakes, why don't you mooo-sey down to Carmel and try them for yourself! Check out the website for flavors, business information, and pictures that will make your mouth water!
*To be completely honest, I bought two cupcakes with every intention of giving one of them to my boyfriend. He loves chocolate chip cookies and I originally planned to give him the cookie dough cupcake and keep the raspberry ganache for myself. But that cookie dough cupcake proved too tempting for a mere mortal. We'll be going back to Holy Cow, Cupcakes! soon as I now owe him another cupcake.
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